Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Awesome name ... love the name ML. 

Just wanted to say that I am so glad to have seen many of you Lows (and TRs) in Tahoe. I had forgotten that you all are so cool that one doesn't even need to DO anything to have fun ... existing is enough. Only wish James & Pip and significant others could have been there. :(

Come visit me in CO and we'll ski! Yay!

Btw, this is from xkcd ... a fave webcomic of mine:

Online Package Tracking

And here are some photos from graduation/baby photos. Mine are the excellent ones. Must be the genes. More when I get my compy up and running.


MATTLOW said...

Big H, love the pics of grad night, esp that one of you and Elana. Can't wait till you come and visit.

auntypen said...

"Mine are the excellent ones. Must be the genes." Hmmmmmm, Humility obviously runs in the family too.

Got any iPhones left? I heard Tim went out to get Kung Pao chicken and came back with two iPhones. His and Hers.

dkmtr said...

Gorgeous photos. Nice switch action on the tassle girlfirend! K