Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Hey everyone, this blog does seem a bit busier than the last one, but I'm still not entirely sure why we couldn't just use the old one????

Also I stil think you guys should all get facebook!!!!!!!!!

Anyway I'm going to be in england From the 1st to the 17th of August. Sayling / Marie is it ok if I come visit you sometime from the 13th to the 17th???? maybe spend a couple of days up there?

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Tried calling

As you can see, we made a quick stop in the UK, tried calling, but you guys were all out and we had to leave without seeing you. SOB! boo hoo! JK - just Universal Studios...

not Katrina

Just watched Jon Stewart on how the English floods were handled. So not Katrina-ish. Shelter, food and water were provided, even for the black people - what a concept! Perhaps the Americans will eventually adopt this idea. Hope everyone is OK. Is Rosie still in Oxford?

I think Emma is missing you guys because every so often she comes up with a Mia impression. She manages to do a Kate pretty well too, but the Mia ones are the best. She still has to work on Dave's because he just sounds Scottish.

Emm and I just did a road trip to Los Angeles and back on $45.00 of gas. Spent two days at Universal Studios which was mostly fun but the House of Horrors scared both of us and I had a hard time trying to get Emma to go on any death related rides after that. Hung out at Venice Beach before heading home. It reminded me of a beachy sunny New York with lots of knock off sunglasses and street vendors.

Listened to all the BBC podcasts on the way back, as well as some Harry Potter. No wonder Emma's got the British accent down.

Just noticed your photo of me Sayling. Thanks a lot! hic.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

more piccies

I've put some piccies on Flickr: here


Monday, July 9, 2007

Emma's Joke

If you speak three languages you're trilingual, if you speak two languages, you're bilingual. If you speak one language, what are you?

Answer: An American


Wore my birthday Miravidi necklace and matching earrings with new black GAP dress on sale from $69.99 to $19.99 to the annual Palo Alto glass and clay festival and felt very chic. Thank you!!! very pretty prezzy.

Michael Moore's movie, Sicko, is out and I wish you guys were here to see it with me :( Would have been interesting to get your British perspective on the American health system. Am accompanying Emma to "Order of the Phoenix" even though it's my least favorite Harry Potter, angst ridden, whiny teenage brat.

How are the worms?

I wish other Lows would blog. This is getting monotonous, listening to my own voice all the time... sigh!!!

Have a Spanish chaperone, Nuria, from an exchange program staying with me for a month. We joined the group for a tour of Alcatraz. I don't think Mia would have enjoyed it, but it was really interesting and it happened to be on another gorgeous sunny San Francisco day so the views from the ferry were magnificent. The Ferry Building where Henry used to work has been revamped, Covent Garden like into a very chic, shopping area with an organic farmers' market feel. A must visit for your next time. We are planning on going to Santa Cruz (beach) with the group tomorrow and hopefully the girls will get a chance to practise their lithping Thpanisth with the Spanish teenagers.

Saturday, July 7, 2007


They are a rip, but they are pretty spiffy! Very proud of iHana iWorking iAm!

Hana got Emma her red AIDS supporting iPod (25% off) and Emma is particularly grateful that it was not engraved with Emma Pachelbel Low which we had threatened. We have Harry Potter, podcasts and all sorts of audio that you wouldn't normally find on the iPod of a 10 year old.

Sorry Kate (and Mia) still no sign of white bunny in Emma's room.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Wiggly worms

Sunshine came to a rain drenched and grumpy home this week when our FIRST EVER wormery was safely delivered. Mia helped Mummy do the big jigsaw and make a bed for the wrigglers. We then settled them in the yard neatly behind the barbecue with a few scraps. We secured the lid and left them for a week as instructed. The next day Dave and I were hopping with excitement, and yes, glee, so we took a peek. They were all over the bin like a rash! The info says that some exploration in the early days is normal but this was crazy. I do hope they're happy. I do, I do , I do!
Yours, proud and anxious in Liverpool.
p.s. Mum and Matt have been on at us for years to get one - hope you're pleased p.p.s. What killed your worms Pen?

Sunday, July 1, 2007

last post I promise!

I'm still downloading pics - give me a break!

OK - so I bribed Emma with an iPod if she could learn Pachelbel Cannon in two days. And she did. Do I celebrate the genius and diligence of my talented, musical prodigy? Or do I deplore the evil materialism that's creeping into the very fabric of our hic-xistence?

PS - is there anyone left who doesn't have an iPhone yet?

not an urban myth

Trebuchet - perhaps Hana will read this.

Someone claims this story is true, although we were pretty hammered trying to polish off those half opened bottles of Ferrari Carano, courtesy of Silver Legacy that I just wish Mah Mah would have the sense to leave at the casino (and I had the determination to pour down the sink where it belongs), but I don't, shence (hic) my drunken blurb. Apparently some kid was playing with her new pet kitten in the garden in Palo Alto and a hawk swooped down and carried it off. If this story is true, can you imagine the hours of therapy it would take to neutralize this particular incident?

I promise I'll stop blathering, I'm so excited to be able to blog and I'm in between loading images on to Shutterfly. hic.