Sunday, September 30, 2007

Biking Gem - Baylands

Mia, Dave and Kate,

I am not sure I should even tell you this. Yesterday I discovered a bike lane to the Baylands without having to cross any major streets. Go down Loma Verde and turn right on Bayshore, the road that parallels 101, and in less than a quarter of a mile, there is a pedestrian bike path that goes under the freeway and takes you straight into a fabulous bird sanctuary. Within 10 minutes of biking, we were surrounded by flocks of pelicans, coots, swallows, Canadian geese, pheasants and tons that I didn't recognize. We saw a gorgeous hawk too. I am SO sorry I did not know about this route when you were here. Next time? Hopefully Mia can ride Emma's bike and I even have one Dave or Kate can use.

The mom youtube has been taken off the web. It was a mom condensing a day's nag into three minutes of William Tell overture. It was pretty funny!

Pip - rabbit help. I found great tufts of fur in Viva's cage, but no bald patches. Is this normal molting? Or should I worry?

Emma's in drill team for skating and Freestyle 2. If anyone is around April 27th weekend, she'll be in the local ice skating show. Come for your birthday Pip :) I'll buy you something and give it to you two years later.

No luck with the Solar office assistant position. They needed an accountant/bookkeeper which I couldn't fake.

kate - are the worms still alive?

Keep blogging the rest of you -
Miss you guys,


Pip Wilford said...

Rabbit tip: Malting like that is normal...especially this time of year. Bilbo has been shedding his coat continuously since May!! My old rabbit use to malt twice a year and in the summer fur would get tangled and come out and leave a big bald patch on his bum!! It's always good to try and spend some time combing them to help the process.

Would love to come and visit sometime...don't think April will be feasible as I only have 5 days to take off between Christmas and the end of April. Will have to look into plans for the next year or so and figure out something. x

auntypen said...

Thanks Pip. I was panicking as I saw some sleep in her eye and was thinking along the lines of myxamatosis, but I think she just got fluff in her eye which was causing the discharge. She's getting really friendly and hopping on to us and letting us pet her for a long time before hopping off.

Bilbo is a great name!