Thursday, September 20, 2007

New Fluffy Addition

We rescued a Rex rabbit (Viva, short for Velveeta, hopefully forever) from one of our neighbours, and one of Hana's Paly peers who oddly enough got a bunny six months before graduation. Viva (previously known as Bunny) was left to live with mom and yappy cockapoo - not a happy situation. Thankfully we managed to litter train her and she now roams around the living room without leaving too much debris. She still nibbles at furniture but is getting quite good at knowing what she should and shouldn't be chewing on. Emma noticed that she consistently eliminated in one corner of her cage and so I bought a box and put it in that corner. Viva decided to pooh everywhere EXCEPT that corner of the cage. Chi suggested I put another litter box in her new favorite pooh corner. I figured that if she decided not to go there also, at least I would have a very small area of the cage left to clean. However, she decided that one box would do for sleeping and one for poohing so it's worked out well. She loves parsley and rosemary and basil - I'm thinking she would taste pretty darn good with herbs infused from within but I get very evil looks from Emma whenever I suggest it.

Pip - would love any rabbit training tips from you. I hear they go through an adolescent stage. What else do they like to eat? We've given her snap peas, honeysuckle, dandelion leaves and flowers, napa cabbage, radiccio, brussel sprouts, broccoli, apples (big hit) and banana. Parsley and Basil are her favorite.

I went for an interview as Office Manager with a start up company Solar Notion. Unfortunately they needed someone with accountancy bookkeeping skills so I've bought a "Bookkeeping for Dummies" and hope I can fudge my way through it. It ought to be really fun place to work. There are four guys and they already have $60 million in funding. Michael Green is one of the four people working there.

Thanks for posting the photo of See Sum. I love her hair, she is so hip. How old is she?

1 comment:

Sayling said...

I think See Sum is in her 70's. See Sook is 87 and is well. Asked after you, and I showed her the photo of you at your party.

Ng Sook had a fall from a ladder when he was fixing a light bulb. Auntie Jessie got an ambulance to take him to hospital and he was there for 3 days. After he was discharged, he still felt unwell, and on taking See Sook's advice, he went back to the hospital. They gave him a scan and found some bleeding, so he has had an operation to drain that and is okay now.

See Sum was very well, and Ishbelle was very chatty; Carol had arrived early that morning and she was quiet like she used to be. Lydia was settling her son into college, so she didn't come to the meal, but we saw her afterwards.